Tag: cocktails
Evidently I like photographing my shoes on the dashboard. Maybe because I’m slightly obsessed with shoes? Especially these – now that I’m not in an office-business-dress environment daily, I can wear more casual stuff, which I love. These are my new Simple shoes… And my lovely Bensimons. Of course, I still want these. And these.…
Corpse Reviver #2
So we finally bought some Lillet blanc, so that we can make Corpse Reviver #2 cocktails at home. It’s one of the first classic cocktails we tasted, and is still one of our favorites. The recipe is really easy to remember – equal parts (we use 3/4 ounce) of Paula’s Texas Orange (or Cointreau), Lillet…
Oops, I missed posting a few days. Breakfast: iced coffee. Lunch: I made another salad with the leftover supper club toppings. I forget how much I like iceberg lettuce. Snack: I had a taco with potatoes and red chile. I got this little tin box, and now I’m trying to figure out the perfect use…
Breakfast: I stopped at the farmers’ market to pick up our growler of cold-brewed coffee from the Tipsies. I got a mocha to go, and I think it’s official – I’ve moved on to less-sweet lattes. Lunch: Ham/swiss/tomato/butter sandwich, plus chips and queso. And Roux. Justin watched the women’s world cup on his iPhone while…
Breakfast: soy mocha. A toast to my last day at the office. 🙂 Lunch: I stopped for some groceries at Central Market and picked up this “French vegetable salad.” I didn’t love it, so I picked out the potatoes and tomatoes and tossed the rest. . Lunch, part 2: I had some leftover pasta and…