Category: Daily Eats
Birthday weekend
I had such a wonderful birthday weekend! I didn’t take my camera with me to the restaurants we visited – I haven’t felt like photographing restaurant food as much lately. On Thursday, I had a sandwich with carrots and tomatoes and pickles. We had a meeting later, and I was stressed out (it was one…
Birthday week!
Today I took a yoga class. It’s been forever since I’ve taken yoga, and it was so great. The teacher introduced a few Tibetan poses, which were so much fun. Afterward, I came home and scarfed an Amy’s burrito and a bit of green juice leftover from yesterday. I worked at the studio and snacked…
Heroes in a half-shell
So on Tuesday I went to Zumba for the first time! My friend Rebecca has been nicely inviting me to join her there for a while now, and yesterday I finally did. It’s so much fun – and (this is really going to show my age) it’s a lot like Jazzercise, which I used to…
Oh, Monday. Why are you so difficult? I was rushing out the door, so breakfast was a cup of coffee (or a half a cup, which is all I had time to gulp). I took a jar of sprouted almonds for a snack. After some work at the studio, I hopped over to JuiceLand for…
Hey internets. Remember Daily Eats? Here’s today’s. Migas, cold sautéed Brussels sprouts, sliced avocado with salt, coffee, juice (carrot, ginger, Swiss chard, apple, cucumber, celery). We save all of our jars and bottles, and these from JuiceLand are perfect for our homemade juices. Also, I didn’t end up eating the tortilla. We shared raw turnips,…