Tag: edibles
Beans & Eggs
Last night I had this for dinner, and now it’s my favorite thing. Toasted bread topped with white beans (olive oil, garlic, canned cannelini beans, tarragon) and an egg fried in duck fat. I think I’ll have it for lunch today, too. Have a great weekend, everyone!♥
Weekend Moments #5
Hi everybody! I only captured a few small moments of this weekend. We had a lovely dinner at Justine’s on Friday night, then watched Contagion at home (seriously freaky movie). Saturday was waffle day, and a fantastic evening with our friends K. and D., at their Mardi Gras-ish party. Sunday was cooking and baking for…
This morning we had toast and jam for breakfast. Justin had some healthy fruit and yogurt. I decided to put Jeni’s salty caramel ice cream in my coffee instead of creamer. It was awesome. Today I thought about how everyone is an expert in something, and all of us are completely useless in something else.…
Breakfast at Ocho
I recently developed an old roll of film, and found these images from our breakfast at Ocho in San Antonio. Notes to self: Take more film photos. I love the tones and textures here. Turquoise and orange go great together. Also, reminder: you like a regular cup of coffee with cream and sugar just as…
Weekend Moments #4
Hey everyone! This weekend: On Friday, Aimee and I had a meeting and photo shoot up north. I stopped at Asahi Imports for some ingredients for recipe testing, then came home and tested two recipes. We stayed in and ate chocolate drumsticks. On Saturday, we took a city walk with our friends N. and E.…