Tag: Olympus Stylus 800
Meet Mela
Sorry for the lack of posts in the past few days…what can I say? Sometimes I flake out. This is my first softie, which I made using a pattern from my new Japanese craft book. I love the idea of making softies, and once I made her I just kept gazing at her and hugging…
Apron and Kitchen Swap
Vidya and I had another swap this month, and we decided on two aprons and a kitchen item. I had fun crafting her gifts: I FINALLY finished knitting the dishcloth. It took me forever, probably because it wasn’t a straight knit, it was a mix of knit and purl, which to me (a beginner) is…
Birthday goodies, a week late
So I had a wonderful birthday, complete with lots of phone calls and cards, a great dinner with friends, and lovely, lovely gifts! Of course I had already received the Denyse Schmidt Quilts book from my sister, and my mom sent this cute sewing machine cover that she made for me…it’s Roux! In keeping with…
Happy Birthday, dear kitty…
Today is Roux’s fourth birthday. I can’t believe he’s already four. It seems like just yesterday he was curling up in the CD rack. Now he could probably eat the CD rack. Happy birthday, Roux!
What a life
Here’s our wild and crazy cat, posing as a calm, quiet kitty for you all. But really, he’s crazy! He runs around the living room and jumps at small noises. He peels out in the bathroom and makes indoor cat noise at birds and squirrels outside the window. He chases his tail and cries pathetically…