Thank you all so much for your kind comments and emails. The last thing I feel right now is brave, but hearing you all say that makes me feel better. I decided to make a list (because you know I love lists) of things that help, things that make me happy. Above, firepits. Preferably with marshmallows to toast.
My grandma’s quilt. And tights in the winter.
Ladies’ lunches.
Taking walks with my love.
Coffee and doughnuts (preferably a Starbucks mocha and a Mrs. Johnson’s doughnut).
Good food.
Justin’s work face.
Justin’s “Hunchy” face. It’s kind of an impersonation of the Disney version of the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Sometimes he does it really slowly, and I squeal and giggle until full Hunchy is revealed.
Being on the beach.
This Holga photo of Justin. Love, love, love.
Ladies in mustaches. And memories of a fabulous New Year’s Eve, and the most awesome vintage dress ever, thanks to my friend Andy. Just look at it! Lovely pink splendor.
Kitteh kisses.
The boys at a nerdy Christmas sweater party.
New England in the fall. I cried when I saw my first red leaves in Vermont.
There. Doesn’t everyone feel better now? I know I do.
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