Some days I wake up and just getting out of bed is a difficult task.
Some days I wake up and take on the world (of food). Today was one of those days.
I got up before Justin, fed the kitties, washed the dishes, and made coffee.
I worked on the book, sent emails, did research.
I prepped our produce for the week – baked spaghetti squash, baked sweet potatoes, roasted carrots and garlic, and sauteed kale.
I made a brunch of toasted baguette smeared with herbed chevre, topped with sauteed kale stems and a fried egg. Scrumptious.
I had a snack of Ryvita crackers smeared with more chevre and topped with thinly sliced cucumbers. Unfortunately, I decided that Ryvita crackers taste and feel a lot like cardboard (The corrugated kind. Though I’ve never tasted cardboard per se).
I tried to top off my snack with a sweet bite, a little ice cream sandwich. But I think it had been in the freezer too long, because it tasted like freezer instead of chocolate.
I interviewed an awesome chef, fought traffic, worked some more, and prepped meatballs for dinner (ground beef, parsley, feta, egg, panko, salt and pepper).
Dinner was spaghetti squash with meatballs and marinara sprinkled with Parmesan, plus toasted baguette.
I embroidered a gift for a friend. I walked to the grocery store to get a few things.
I baked cookies for Girls Night tomorrow.
Today I have earned my keep. 🙂
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