Soy latte from Medici and clean-the-fridge-out fried rice. I heated up some ghee and oil, sauteed some garlic and onion, added some bits of turkey and leftover cumin rice, fried it all up, then drizzled with shoyu and added in a couple of beaten farm eggs. This was seriously good.
I went to the grocery store and bought lots of goodies, so supper ended up being a fill-the-fridge smorgasbord. We didn’t even stop to put the produce away – we just pushed it aside and ate whole wheat baguette, Noble Pig spicy pickles, regular dill pickles, Kala’s chutney, Confituras salted caramel pear butter, Pure Luck feta, Pure Luck herbed chevre, colby-jack, a bowl of Texas Olive Ranch roasted garlic oil for dipping, and pink bubbly. It was one of the best meals ever! I love that so much of our food can be sourced so close to home.
I also think that later tonight we’ll have a dessert of nutella and salted caramel pear butter smores a la Oh Joy!
Hope you all had a great weekend!
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