Category: Music
Music Wednesday
It appears I forgot Music Monday this week. Well, my mind was elsewhere on Monday. So! Here are the tunes I’m listening to this week, and the playlist for December. I can’t believe that all this time I could have been embedding my entire 8Tracks playlist right here on the blog. Erg! Live and learn.…
Music Monday
How was everyone’s weekend? Mine is still going – I took today off from work, and I’m LOVING it. I could really get used to three-day weekends. It seems like our weekends usually go like this: Friday – go out to eat, meet friends, have fun Saturday – be lazy at home Sunday – chores…
Music Monday
I only have one song for you today – this is probably my favorite Christmas song. True, I love the Vince Guaraldi Trio, and Nat King Cole, but this song makes me laugh every time. Happy Holidays! Robert Earl King – Merry Christmas from the Family
Music Monday
What a difference a week makes! I’m feeling so much better – the result of a lot of hard work and a heckuva lot of support from you fine folks. This weekend was super-productive. A quick rundown: Friday happy hour with coworkers at Rabbit’s went to Rachel & Logan’s for bi bim bap and Mexican…
music monday
Above: Happy hour at Sago Modern Mexican. Last night we went to the late showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1, which was fun. It was a bit long and dragged on sometimes, but it’s Harry Potter, so I was okay with it. I fell head-over-heels in love with Fleur’s wedding dress.…