Above: Happy hour at Sago Modern Mexican.
Last night we went to the late showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1, which was fun. It was a bit long and dragged on sometimes, but it’s Harry Potter, so I was okay with it. I fell head-over-heels in love with Fleur’s wedding dress. So gorgeous.
Today my coworker brought a pot of turkey chili and homemade cornbread to share with everyone, just because. How sweet is that? Tonight I’m baking chocolate chip cookies, and I’ll take them to work tomorrow to return the favor. If I don’t eat them all, that is.
I’m not very good at remembering the names of songs and bands. I’m more likely to say, “Hey, what’s the name of that song that sounds like two different songs, and is kind of like a parade?” That would be RR vs. D. Enjoy. 🙂
Au – RR vs. D
Blitzen Trapper – Furr
Ferraby Lionheart – Harry & Bess
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