Moments #4

We walked back from the market, he carrying the tote full of herbs and cheese and ice cream, me pulling off bits of baguette – one for him, one for me. I realized that I had dreamed of this moment for much of my life, and it didn’t matter that we weren’t in Paris.

There was fire, and screaming, and fear and wind. I opened my eyes from the nightmare and he was waiting for me with open arms.

All at once, I realized that after over a year of traveling the world, they would be home in just a few days. I imagined I might break her bones with the force of my hug, and in thinking of all the things we would say and do, I stayed awake all night.

It was 4:00 a.m., and the four of us were huddled around a table of dominoes, laughing and sipping on cocktails that I had shaken. We had no idea that the night had come and gone.

I sat at the table outside, listening to someone discussing illicit drugs, and someone else talking about the seasonality of watermelon. Someone said, “Crystal, make me another cocktail,” and I laughed and headed to the kitchen.

He was showing me the new tomato plants, the peppers, the last of the carrots, still covered with soil. I bent down and picked up a snail as it shriveled back into its shell, feeling like I had found gold.

He said, “You’re excellent at helping other people be their best selves. What if you had someone to help you? Who would you be?” I am still reeling.

The song came on, and he asked me to dance. In pajamas and slippers, with my head on his shoulder, I was in heaven.

I hope you’re all having a wonderful week.

7 responses to “Moments #4”

  1. Such a great collection of moments! As I read several of these, I got chills because they were so lovely.

  2. These are lovely, Crystal! They’re so well-written that I feel I can perfectly picture you doing all of these things (and I’m secretly wishing it was me doing it all).

  3. Very mindful of you. Have you ever been exposed to mindfulness?

  4. this very well be another book. beautiful, crystal.

  5. Thank you, everyone! It’s so nice to stop for a minute and be grateful for the little things. 🙂

  6. This may well be one of the best blog posts I’ve ever read! Very precious moments.

  7. I am swooning! These posts are better than any romance novel.

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