
One of my biggest fears (aside from bugs, clowns, small spaces, outer space, and hiccups) is this: a gutter or an open grate. I always attempt to jump over them, and if Justin parks my door near an open gutter I freak out. I’m afraid the grate will collapse and I’ll fall into it. I’m afraid something will reach out from the gutter and eat my arm. Great, now I scared myself with that horrible image (which unfortunately features both gutters AND clowns. Thanks a lot, Stephen King.).

Justin and I were on TV. 🙂

Lately I’ve been just doing, doing, doing. I’m working a lot, driving a lot, worrying a lot. I’m ready for a day of nothing. To wake up late, sip tea and read magazines, watch old movies, and not look at my computer or phone at all. Didn’t I already decide this? That I wasn’t going to work and worry all the time? Yeesh.

Today we walked over to our neighborhood pool. It’s only four feet deep, but hey, it’s wet. The problem with four feet deep is that the water is really warm. I wasn’t sure if I was cooler in the pool or out of it. Tomorrow we shall try Deep Eddy or head to the Springs. Heat, I will beat you! Also, snow cones. That is all.

Have you guys seen the moon lately? It’s been awfully pretty.

Roux: Meow.
Me: Roux, you already had dinner.
Roux: Meow.
Me: No, kitty! You ate already.
Roux: Meeeooow.
Little: Meoowrrr.
Me: Okay, okay. You can have treats.

I am defenseless against the meow.

Lovely things:

6 responses to “Randoms”

  1. SHOOOES! Also, someday we will all go swimming together…

    1. Yes! You lemme know when you find your swimsuit.

  2. “It” scared me so bad too! And I have to ask…how the heck are you afraid of hiccups??!?

    1. I’m afraid that I’ll have the hiccups for 68 years. 🙁

  3. Aw you and Justin looked adorable in the feature:)

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