Justin came back from the corner store last night with these beauties – a six pack of Happy Camper IPA, brewed in Santa Fe, New Mexico! Look at that lovely New Mexican flag! And can I just mention how crazy it is to have an IPA in a CAN?!
I squealed when he brought it in. Not because I’m going to drink it (I’m more of a cocktail girl), but because it’s the New Mexico flag!! On a beer!!
For those of you who don’t know, I grew up in New Mexico, and I miss it sometimes, and all it’s little quirks. Including the flag. I still remember all this from New Mexico history class, in the fourth grade:
- State fish: Cutthroat Trout
- State bird: Roadrunner
- State flower: Yucca
- State nickname: The Land of Enchantment
- State animal: Black bear
- State song (or part of it):
O, Fair New Mexico,
We love, we love you so,
Our hearts with pride o’reflow,
No matter where we go.
O, Fair New Mexico,
We love, we love you so,
The grandest state to know
New Mexico.
I. Am. A nerd. 🙂
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