Goodbye, lovely kitchen

So we’re moving. Our lovely rental home is up for sale, and rather than wait to see whether the new owner will renew our lease, we decided to find a new home. And we did!

We’re moving to a cute little apartment in the same neighborhood, with a super-tiny kitchen and walk-in closets, and most importantly, A SWIMMING POOL. I am SO excited about this.

I will miss having enough space to host parties, and our sunlit bedroom, and our large in-home office, and my beautiful, airy kitchen. But I am excited to pare down to just the things that we love, and to replace old and broken things with good quality new things. We’ll be purging clothes and dishes, bags of who-knows-what from the freezer, old spices and empty frames, and all the little junk we have somehow seemed to hoard in this big space.


So goodbye, big kitchen. Goodbye, big spice rack. Goodbye, microwave cart and too many dishes and extra coffee cups. And hello, smaller, simpler life!

I am hoping that our new tiny kitchen will encourage a simpler cooking style, which I am slowly learning from my friend Kate. I mean, a simple egg salad sandwich and rum punch poolside sounds fantastic, don’t you think?

One response to “Goodbye, lovely kitchen”

  1. I’m so happy for you guys! This is going to be a lot of fun. I saw an article today in the NYtimes about little houses – so inspirational. How much STUFF do we all need, anyway?

    Though, lord, the light in your kitchen is too frickin luminous. Gorgeous, grrl.

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