This morning there was ice. Maybe a bit of snow. Austin slowed to a stop, because we are unprepared for any weather other than hot.
Roux was unfazed by it all. He sat on my phone, as usual. I think he’s trying to hatch something.
I had chai with a bit of milk and read from a book or two.
Everyone was cozy and snuggly. Little took up her spot on J’s lap.
I decided maybe it was time to pick up my camera again. We’ll see.
We bought ballet shoes and tuna melts. We remembered old movies and moments from our honeymoon. I had dinner with girlfriends and celebrated birthdays (all turned 29, of course). There was bubbly and rosé, moscato de asti and margaritas at home.
I’d say it was a very good Friday. I’m so happy to know that Saturday and Sunday are yet to come.♥
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