A rug for Roux

At some point a few months ago, I decided it would be fun to make my own rug for our new bathroom. I had clipped out an article from a Martha Stewart magazine that explained how to make a braided rug using strips of old bath towels. I set to work cutting three towels into strips. Sure, these were our good towels, but we would need new ones soon anyway, right? An hour or two later, covered in tiny towel fuzzies, I decided that the actual braiding of the rug would be done some other time.

A few days (weeks?) later, I started braiding the strips, hand-sewing the ends together. This was much harder than I thought it would be. I worked on it bit by bit in the evenings, and finally decided to start coiling the braid around itself to form my little round rug. I hand-sewed the rug together, and at long last was finished! It was smaller than I had planned (I got tired of braiding and tossed out a wad of towel strips), but it was my first real creation, something hand-made by me. I placed it proudly on the bathroom floor, and couldn’t wait to step on it the next morning.

The rug was soft and wonderful as expected. I proudly showed it off to friends, and gave it goo-goo eyes every time I went to the bathroom. It had been in our bathroom all of two days when The Rug Incident occurred.

I came home from work, said hi to Roux, our perfect, loveable, cute and cuddly cat, and stepped into the bathroom. There, on my precious rug, was a puddle of cat vomit. Why Roux chose my rug as his vomit-spot is still a mystery. We tried washing the rug, letting it air dry, tossing it in the dryer…but it is still stinky, not-soft, and misshapen.

I humbly present to you my first crafty creation: Roux’s Rug.

One response to “A rug for Roux”

  1. Poor Reux’ben! He looks so ashamed in that pic. He is still the coolest cat in the world.

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