I’m smack-dab in the middle of a cereal phase. Don’t feel like making lunch? Cereal. Afternoon snack? Cereal. Hungry late at night? Cereal. And at the moment, it’s all about Frosted Shredded Wheat. Kellogg’s brand, please.
My dad used to eat these all the time when I was little, and he called them “pillows.” As in, “I think I’ll have some pillows.” We had weird names for all kinds of things…my mom used to eat this snack she called a “mess”…it was Nilla wafers, crushed in a coffee cup, and topped with milk. It got all soggy…ew.
Anyway, the cereal. I’m a kind of a picky eater. Not picky like, “I don’t like tomatoes” or “I don’t like the crust,” but I actually pick through my food. Justin will sometimes just watch me eat as entertainment. I’m selective…I find the perfect bite, just enough food, just the right mixture of ingredients, just the right flavors. As you can see in the photo above, I do the same thing with my cereal. I actually stick my hand into the box and pull out the frostiest pieces (no broken ones, please) and lay them in the bowl, frosting-side up. Occasionally I throw in a lightly-frosted one, just to get rid of them, but I’ll eat them first and I won’t be too happy about it. Once I pour the soymilk in, I scoop out the bottom pieces first, since they’ve been in the liquid longest (even if it’s just by a few seconds), and work my way up, so that all the bites are as crunchy as they can be. I’m a little weird like that.
I like sharing these random bits of nonsense. I might do this more often. 🙂
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