Category: My Books
An Announcement…
Internets! I suppose it’s time for me to let you in on my new project. I’m writing another book! This one is titled Austin Chef’s Table, and it will be a cookbook of Austin restaurant recipes with full-color photographs. I’m so excited – I’m busy contacting restaurants and hoping they will all want to participate,…
The book signing!
Hooray, I made it through the book signing event! I can’t believe that after months of agonizing over it, it was all over in less than an hour. Here are a ton of photos that Justin took. Also, if you’re really bored, you can watch video of the event that my super-awesome friend Peter took,…
Book Signing Event!
Dear Everybody, I hope you can make it to my book signing event on Tuesday, June 28th at 7:00 p.m. at BookPeople (603 N. Lamar). Apparently I will be speaking about the book (Hi! I ate stuff! It was good! And then I wrote about it!), and signing copies that you can buy in-store. I…
Austin Monthly!
Look what I found today in Austin Monthly magazine… 🙂 p.s. Mom, I have your copy already… 🙂
Food Lovers’ Guide to Austin
Internets! My book is now available for pre-order: BookPeople Amazon Barnes & Noble Borders (How crazy is that?! It’s very surreal to see it for sale on these sites.) It will be available on April 12. And I will have a book signing at BookPeople on Tuesday, June 28 at 7:00 p.m. If you’ll be…