Category: Random Thoughts
Oh Austin, my Austin
This is our new view. I’m gliding over the fact that if you look directly out of our window, you’ll see the lovely (inevitable) fence of construction, as they tear down a low-income housing unit and build yet another apartment complex. And so let’s focus here to the west, where our tiny balcony overlooks the…
Texas to South Carolina and Back
So we moved to Greenville, SC for a year. We did it for my job, because I wanted to be all-in, to not be the only remote person in the company, to be close to my CEO as we built the company from scratch. And so we built a company, and it turns out that…
Oh hi
I was over here for a while, and then life happened. I’m thinking, what if I just quietly started blogging again here? And didn’t tell anyone? 🙂
Merry Christmas!
For me, Christmas means family. There are often other lovely things – decorations, food traditions, music, the rare bit of snow – but mainly, it’s everybody gathering at my parents’ house, hanging out, and talking about memories and future plans and funny stories. I should have taken photos of all of my mom’s Christmas decorations…
A New Car!! (insert Price is Right music)
Can you believe it? After 10 years with our beloved Little Pica (a 2008 orange Suzuki SX4), we finally bought a new car. Honestly, this only happened because we weren’t sure Little Pica would make it on the drive to South Carolina. Still, we’re so excited for such a luxurious vehicle! By luxurious, I mean…