Portabla brunch and World Cup finals

We scooted down to Portabla to pick up brunch.

Eggs benedict with turkey meatloaf and delicious hollandaise…

Ham, cheese and fried egg sandwich (look at that lovely cheese! And Roux in the background hoping for a bite)…

Perfect with mimosas for watching the World Cup! (Roux is eyeing Justin’s mimosa.)

Justin chose the Netherlands before the Cup started, and I had chosen Spain. So here we are, both of our teams in the finals, trying to be civil while cheering on our teams. (Viva EspaΓ±a!!)

6 responses to “Portabla brunch and World Cup finals”

  1. Just discovered your site from Abby Try Again’s. Absolutely love! It’s so fun to see another Austinite out and about, and your photos are amazing. Love seeing all the food shots, makes me want to go eat at a lot of places I haven’t yet. Going through all your archives and making a list of places to go… πŸ™‚

    1. Yay, so glad you’re here! Your photos are gorgeous as well… I’ve been flipping through your flickr feed. πŸ™‚

  2. CHHHEEEEEEEEEEEESE! In fact I’m making parmesan cheese bars right now (there’s powdered sugar, don’t know if it’s supposed to be salty or sweet) and I love how stringy melted cheese is. AWESOME. πŸ˜€

    And Spain won. D: I didn’t like it because they beat Germany! πŸ™


    1. Ooh, those sound lovely! And sorry my team beat your team. πŸ˜‰

  3. Yay, Spain!

    Your food and the kittie are the best. Is the glass on a scanner? Somehow that makes me nervous, and Roux’s staring at it doesn’t help! πŸ˜›

    1. Ha! It kind of looks like a scanner, but it’s actually a lap tray (cushion on one side, writing surface/lamp on the other). Yes, Roux was making me nervous with all his sniff-sniffing of our food. Silly cat, you’d think he knows by now that all he gets is cat food. πŸ™‚

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