Chez Nous

Today I went to a training on Outlook and Excel. I was really hoping to learn all the ins and outs, things that would make my work life easier, details on how to get things done quicker. It turned out to be just okay… there were a few tips and shortcuts, but mostly the trainer just talked about her personal life and how she sells knock-off Gucci bags out of her garage. 🙁

Still, I did get to have lunch at Enoteca, and a buttermilk pie from Cutie Pie, so it wasn’t a totally bad day.

Here are some photos from a recent dinner at Chez Nous.

The specials board outside…

Is it me, or is he, like, extremely gorgeous?

I love the pastis vases…

Escargot (always makes me think of Pretty Woman – “slippery little suckers”)…

Pate maison…

Potato leek soup (but not vichyssoisse… it was hot)…

Steak Maitre’d…

Truite Estragon…

Mousse au chocolat and creme caramel…

Three amazing courses, $26.50. Craziness.

12 responses to “Chez Nous”

  1. Wow. That salmon (is it salmon?) looks fabulous. Makes me crave some grilled right now!


    1. It’s trout, and it was yummy!

  2. I’m on a sugarfree diet and that mousse is haunting me now! 😀

    1. Doh! I’ll have another serving for you. 😉

  3. What a good deal! Is that for lunch only? Or for dinner?

    BTW–I go to classes like that all the time. It really is ALL about the instructor. I’ve gone to some that seem great and helpful, but the instructor is terrible, and then some I thought would be kinda useless, but the instructor really pushes good material. What organization did you take it through? Maybe we’ll meet up at one someday!

    1. That was for dinner! We totally loved Chez Nous.

      This was through National Seminars Group, meh. It did inspire me to go look for more info on my own for these programs… it’s hard for me to do because I’m such a Mac person, but I use the Office suite at work.

  4. Um, knock off Gucci bags? LOL that sounds like a 20/20 report I saw five years ago about middle class crime.
    I love, love, love escargot-yum!

    1. Right?!

      You should definitely try the escargot at Chez Nous, all buttery yummy. They don’t come in the shells, though, so that’s not as fun.

  5. knock off gucci bags. . . uhm, nice. but why is it the best parts of tarinings or work trips the opportunity to check out new food?!?!? how was the soup? I’m so the kind of girl who has hot soup in the middle of summer. yum.

    1. Right! The soup was delicious… I’m a sucker for potato soup, though. And I love soup ANY time of year!

  6. Kim (last name used to be Russ — from Medicus) W.

    Hi, Crystal — I took that training (even took Excel graphs — fun stuff, seriously!) when I worked at Dell. The versions have changed, but I have some workbooks you’re welcome to borrow, if you’d like. Just let me know!

    1. Hey Kim! I’m gonna see how I do with some online stuff… I don’t use Excel that extensively, mostly for text-based lists. We learned a few text formulas that I’m actually really excited to try. Wow, that’s nerdy. 🙂

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