Hey guys! It’s time for another weekend video!
- On Friday, we had a long, lovely dinner at Fabi + Rosi. We visited their chickens, sat on the patio under the chandelier, and chatted with Wolfgang. It was lovely.
- On Saturday, we walked around downtown to check out the SXSW happenings. So many people! So much excitement! Plus, it was St. Patrick’s Day, so there we lots and lots of drunk people wearing green. We stopped by the Squarespace Food Truck to get some free F&D goodies, too. Afterward, we escaped the crowds in a Car2Go and headed north. We had a drink at Drink.Well and chatted with Jessica and Mike, then headed to Vino Vino for a drink with our friend Alex. We got to hang out a bit with Erin and Nat and other pals, too.
- On Sunday, we stayed home and puttered. Justin worked downstairs putting in new shelves and other manly things, and me and the kitties stayed upstairs testing recipes. I attempted to make caramel twice, and ended up with a burned mess both times. Maybe today will be the day!
I hope you have a wonderful week!♥
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