Tag: recipes
making tortillas
While we were in west Texas over the holidays, I filmed my sister making tortillas. She makes them so quickly and easily! Here’s a short video of her rolling them out and cooking them on the comal (cast iron skillet). While she cooks, my mom and I chat about tortilla superstitions and rules. 🙂 …
Farmhouse Delivery!
We signed up for Farmhouse Delivery again! I think it’s this cold weather – it makes me want to be at home, cooking stuff, baking stuff, eating stuff. Having all this beautiful, local produce delivered to my door really encourages me to cook. As you can see from the photo above, Roux approves of the…
Red Chile Asado
I’ve got another video for you about using my mom’s red chile sauce – this time for asado. Asado is a sort of pork stew; it’s kind of like carne guisada, but instead of a beef gravy, there’s a red chile gravy. My dad has always made it for us, and it’s often served at…
Spring rolls and miso soup
Justin really does go all out on our dinners at home. Twice so far he’s made spring rolls, which is kind of a tedious thing to make. He fills them with rice noodles, lettuce, cilantro, fried tofu, blanched carrots, and avocado. And then he makes homemade peanut sauce. I contribute to these meals by making…
Chicken and broccoli and gin
So Justin has been cooking dinners lately. I know, I know, I’m spoiled. He’s trying to allow evening time for me to go to the gym or take a yoga class. Did I already mention that I’m spoiled? Anyway, it’s fun to see what recipes he picks out. It’s like going to a restaurant that…