
Happy Summer Solstice, everyone! I’m spending mine at home, sick with a stomach virus. Or food poisoning. Whatever it is, it is NOT GOOD, people. Not good.

But I do want to recognize this first day of summer. I read Mav’s post about summer, and realized that I feel the same way about it… Summer makes me a bit anxious. Every day I feel the pressure to go out and enjoy it, to go swimming or ride a bike or eat a snow cone or take a hike or get a tan. And sometimes I do nothing except sit inside and enjoy the air conditioning, but then I feel guilty about it. (I excel at feeling guilty.)

Still, it’s the first day of summer (officially, because it’s been summer for a month or two here in Austin), and so I want to think positively about it. Maybe remembering what I used to love about summer as a kid in New Mexico will help here:

  • Slip ‘n Slide!
  • Playing in the piles of grass that were raked up on the lawn after my dad or mom mowed it (the piles made GREAT tunnels for Hot Wheels or Micro Machines)
  • Riding my bike around the neighborhood with my friend Sheri
  • Picking squash and zucchini in Sheri’s garden
  • Koolaid
  • Riding in the back of a pick-up truck
  • No school!
  • Sweet tea
  • Playing in the sprinkler
  • Really sweet watermelon (yellow and red) and cantaloupe from Haldeman Farms (why can’t I find really sweet melon anymore?)
  • Baseball and softball games
  • Matanzas at my aunt’s house (yep, the full meal deal, people)

See? That was fun. Now back to sipping juice on the couch (stupid stomach virus). 🙂

6 responses to “Summer.”

  1. in regards to sweet melon in austin; there is a evening farmer’s market on wednesdays at the triangle park (near the corner of 45th and guadalupe), usually starting at 4pm and ending around 7. they have galia melons, which if you’ve ever had one (i had my first last week) they are the sweetest melon i’ve ever had. they look like honeydew but are sweet and juicy like cantaloupe.

    1. Awesome, thank you! I will definitely look for those, maybe this Wednesday (assuming I’m feeling better and actually hungry by then). I always forget about the Triangle market. Also, welcome to Austin, and congratulations on your graduation! I was just browsing your blog, and I’ve added it to my google reader. 🙂

  2. I’ve been loving your most recent posts Crystal! 🙂 Hope your stupid stomach virus gets better :(.

  3. I looooove summer 😀 (NO SCHOOL! Melon! Yay!) I also used to look forward to the warmness, but now it’s just a tad too warm hehe. I hope your virus gets better 🙁


    1. I’m not really a fan of the heat… if I had my own pool, I’m sure I’d like it a whole lot more. 🙂

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