So I’ve started yet another project… I’ve been collecting images forever, and I sometimes share them on my twinkle lights blog, but mostly they just go into my Evernote. Now I’m saving them to Pinterest, which is a super-cool site that allows you to pin images from all over the web, categorize them, tag them, and share them. You can comment on other people’s pins, or repin their images. It’s like tumblr, but much prettier/easier/better. 🙂
My favorite of my boards so far is my Life to-do list. I’ve created little reminders of things I want to do in life. Things like creating handwritten cookbook of my favorite recipes, or drinking Turkish coffee in Turkey, or always keeping my head up. 🙂
I do have five invitations to Pinterest that I can share… if you’re interested in saving/sharing your images in this way, leave me a comment (include your email), and I’ll send an invite over.
I have to say that I do still use Evernote extensively… it’s more of my idea/recipe/note filing system, and I’m using Pinterest as a mood/inspiration board. You can never have too many toys, right? 🙂
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