Yesterday I scored big at the thrift store.
Look at this clock! It’s so freakin’ cool.
All the doodads in it still work, too. I got it for Justin so he can time his espresso pulls.
I have a special place in my heart for little enamel bowls. These are tiny and cute.
I found this little salt shaker and fell in love with it. I have no idea why. It’s an odd shape, it’s faded, the cork is lost in the shaker, and it doesn’t have a pepper pair, but for some reason I just love it so much.
This book is so horribly awesome, I had to have it.
It was written in 1973. Along with recommending the mindboggling practice of storing ice in bags in the freezer, it reminds women to “Remember that your husband is the head of the house.” It’s so horrible. I love it. I think I’ll have to share more of this little book with you in the future.
This is a World Book Encyclopedia sales book. It has an example of the cover in the back.
And a sort of “Best Of” set of pages inside, showing all the wonderful things that World Book Encyclopedia can teach you!
I think I’ll end up taking this apart and scanning in things, and cutting up things, and making things out of things.
I love thrifting.
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