Hi friends. I just love this photo of our friends Linds and Chad with Justin at Vino Vino. It was really dark and red-tinted in there, but it looks so warm and inviting, doesn’t it? I love how Chad must have moved a bit, because he’s a little smudged. It’s neat.
Anyway, today I’m surfing the internet and putting off walking to the market to pick up a few things for dinner. It’s so cold outside! Still, I need a red onion, and some bread flour, and some sour cream. We signed up for Farmhouse Delivery again, and our first bin comes on Tuesday. There should be lots of greens and even some tangerines.
A few things I’ve come across recently:
Lots of lunch ideas.
I can’t wait for Contigo to open.
This short film about The Sartorialist really inspires me.
Oreo cheesecake cookies. Yes, please.
I want to try all of these juice recipes. (I love shutterbean.)
I’m infatuated with Japanese food. How does Ai manage to prepare four separate dishes for lunch? Her eating habits are fascinating to me.
This photo walk makes me want to move to California.
Over and out!
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