What if I just randomly started blogging again? Let’s see what happens.
I think I’ve been in a funk for a very long time. And the world is so full of beautiful blogs, I’ve thought that mine is just not up to par.
But after all, this is my space, it’s not an advertising space or a competitive space or an internationally known space or a how-to space or food-only space or an arty space. It’s just my space. I looked back today on October posts over the last NINE years and it was fascinating to see how I have changed. Why not keep going?
So who am I now? How do I spend my time? What do I eat?
I am a business partner. I am a consultant. I am an event planner and website builder and photographer and writer. I work at a shared studio space with my love, I read books, I wish for turning leaves and rainy days. I wear all black, I pickle vegetables, I eat at restaurants. I am 36, but I don’t feel 36. I am happily married, I am loved, I am here.
That seems like a good place to re-start.
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