This weekend we celebrated Justin and Leti’s birthdays with lots of meals and fun. Leti made Justin an amazing loaf of lemon bread, so tart and moist, and, according to Justin, perfect with coffee. I made Leti this tote bag (Leti and bags were made for each other) from some of my favorite fabric that I’d been saving for that special thing…which turned out to be Leti’s gift.
We had a good time shopping for clothes and searching for Leti’s perfect party dress for her big birthday bash next weekend…I’ll have to take pictures of it when we go, because ohmyga, that dress is AMAZING. She looks fabulous in it. We also had ate at Triumph Cafe and Austin Java, and, on the down side, witnessed a horrible roll-over accident on the way to lunch. It was so scary to see, but the woman in the car was wearing her seatbelt, and seemed to be okay aside from a bit of soreness.
This weekend we’ll be leaving on a jet plane to West Texas, for our 10-year high school reunion. Is that crazy, or what? Ten years! It seems like it’s flown by, and at the same time, it seems like it’s been ages since high school. I’m anxious to see old friends and what they’ve been up to.
I finished reading Barbara Kingsolver’s Prodigal Summer, which I liked, though not as much as The Poisonwood Bible. This book was a bit more obvious about its goal of teaching environmental preservation, so at times I felt like I was being preached to. I loved a few of the characters, though, and the actual storyline was great. I was going to start her first book, The Bean Trees next, but I think I need a break from drama and strong characters and life-changing events for a bit…so I’ve started reading Bananas: An American History by Virginia Scott Jenkins. It’s interesting stuff, actually. Does that make me a food nerd?
Okay friends, I now send you back to your own life. Wear your seatbelts out there, okay?
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