In celebration of this oh, so important day in our history, I would like to present…wafer cookies. They actually don’t have anything to do with Cinco de Mayo except that I eat them, and I’m Hispanic, so there you go.
I used to love these when I was younger, but I remember we didn’t get them often, I think because I would finish them too quickly. Nothing’s changed. I’ve single-handedly (okay, I let Justin have a couple) finished a package in a couple of days. Justin is more picky about them. He prefers vanilla only, in their own special package, because he thinks otherwise the flavors mingle. I don’t really care, I just like the texture. Super crispy and perfectly artificially-flavored, they’re a steal at 99 cents a package. When you’re broke, craving sweets, and roaming the cookie aisle at HEB after 9:00 p.m., wafer cookies are the bomb.
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