Today’s Special: Me

Well, last night was “Find Your Own Night”, so no recipe. Slam.
Justin took the camera to work today, so no photo. Double slam.

So I decided to use this opportunity to give you all too much information about me.

50 Things About Me

1. I’ve been married 5 years and 10 months to a tall, dark, and handsome man whom I’ve loved since he first held my hand.
2. My favorite food is chocolate.
3. My favorite color is chocolate.
4. I was a vegetarian for 2 years, and am now eating some meat at restaurants, but I’m not sure how long that will last.
5. I walk to Whole Foods for dessert at least once a week.
6. I’m a registered, licensed dietitian.
7. I cook decadent foods at two local bed and breakfasts.
8. I don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables.
9. I have a spoiled cat named Roux who sleeps on the bed with us.
10. I don’t want children. Ever.
11. Some of my favorite movies are Amelie, You’ve Got Mail, French Kiss, and Notting Hill.
12. I like happy endings.
13. I don’t like confrontations.
14. I live in a tiny (maybe 400 square foot?) garage apartment with my husband and my cat, and I love it.
15. My favorite drink is iced water.
16. I grew up in New Mexico, and I miss the food.
17. I didn’t vote for Bush.
18. I have four bookshelves filled with cookbooks, two accordion folders filled with clipped recipes, a box of recipes yet to be clipped, a huge three-ring binder with tried and true recipes, tons of recipe files on the computer, and stacks of old cooking magazines.
19. I love to get mail.
20. I love rain.
21. My favorite season is autumn. I love the pumpkins, the cinnamon, the leaves turning, and the cool air.
22. I like to embroider.
23. I love to read.
24. I like books and movies that take me to a different place, a place I’d like to visit: New York, Paris, Napa Valley, Hawaii.
25. I started and did not finish training to become a yoga instructor and a personal chef.
26. I start and do not finish lots of things. I’m interested in something new every day.
27. I collect notebooks and journals, and I’m very picky about them.
28. I speak Spanish.
29. I am anxiously awaiting the next Harry Potter book, the next Jean Auel book, and the next Harry Potter movie.
30. I don’t usually like sequel movies, but I loved the Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter (only the third movie, the first two were yuck), Spiderman, Star Wars, and the Matrix.
31. I like to watch Giada DiLaurentiis and Dave Lieberman on the Food Network.
32. I communicate better through writing than through speaking.
33. We buy most of our music from itunes.
34. My favorite song is “Paper Boats” by Nada Surf.
35. I don’t keep in touch with anyone from my childhood or even from high school.
36. I love daisies.
37. One of my grandmothers had 17 children, and the other had 7. I have a large extended family.
38. I have one brother and one sister, and I am the youngest.
39. I’m fairly lazy.
40. I went to Space Camp when I was much younger.
41. I’ve been to Disneyworld 5 times since my honeymoon, haven’t gone in the past two years, and wish with all my heart that I could go again tomorrow.
42. I would like to learn to speak French.
43. The foods I like least are olives, goat cheese, bleu cheese, wasabi, and horseradish. They seem overpowering.
44. I like to eat tomato sauce out of the can with crackers.
45. My favorite part of my job is baking cookies and putting them out on the mantle for the guests to snack on.
46. I love to take naps.
47. My husband and I speak movie to each other. We talk in movie quotes. Usually other people around us have to ask us what we’re talking about.
48. I don’t take enough risks.
49. I like to write poetry.
50. I’m still searching for my one true talent.

I planned to write 100 things about me, but 100 is a lot and my brain is empty.

10 responses to “Today’s Special: Me”

  1. Crystal,
    Great post, looks like we have many of these in common. (Aren’t garage apartments the best!) I’ve been meaning to sign up for a UT Informal Class to (re-)learn French for awhile now. Let me know if you’d be interested!

  2. great list. I only had 50 things on my list too. I think nobody gets past 50 anyway. also not a fan of olives, bleu cheese, wasabi, and horseradish, yuck. But I think I might like goat cheese. I have to taste it again and see. came by way of michele 🙂

  3. Interesting list. I couldn’t make it to 100 either, and I had to post the first 60 in 2 parts.

  4. That’s my girl to a “T”….As for what I like to eat….I can say it in three
    words..Oreos and Pecan Sandies! What I don’t like to eat is…….is……….surely there is something I don’t like to eat..but I just haven’t found it yet. Love, Dad

  5. It is always good to find out the likes and dislikes of people. I think this was a very good idea. Loving this blog stuff…….

  6. Nice list and very informative. 17 children, that’s a lot of aunts and uncles!

  7. I loved reading your list and I don’t even know you! Dh and I made lists like yours for my son’s scrapbook, but only made it to 30!

  8. #40 – my sweetie grew up in Houston and wanted to go to Space Camp SO badly. He still mentions it occasionally. Great post.

  9. Thanks for your comments everyone! Anne, I’d definitely be interested in taking a class…maybe in the fall?

  10. Your 18, 19 and 41 are completely me too. That’s cute that your Dad reads and comments on your blog. My Dad visited mine for the first time yesterday, namely because their dog was in the post and I sent him the link. 🙂

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