No comment.

I’ve decided to turn off the comments for a while. I’ve been getting lots of spam comments, (a while back it was over 100 a day), and I’m tired of dealing with them. I’m not sure how long I’ll leave the comments off, but if you’d like to ask a question or contact me, please feel free to email me at comments(at)poco-cocoa(dot)com. This post will be the last one that allows comments…for a while. 🙂

While I’m at it, I’m also going to change my categories and links a bit. I plan on having just a few links that I will change up every so often. Don’t think of them so much as places I visit every day…they’re more like places I’m into at the moment and would love for you to check out, too.

Happy Wednesday, everybody!

3 responses to “No comment.”

  1. I am sorry about your spam problem. I love your website and link to it. You are an encouragement in many ways to try new foods and crafts.
    Keep up the blogging cause I love it. . . ..

  2. I know that different blogging softwares have plugin capabilites. One of the plugins might include a spam blocker. The Comment Filter Hack is a plugin found at that allows you to insert key words that are most found in your spam messages. This may be an option that you and Justin can explore. Comments are what make blogs so unique. It is a community environment and comments bring those communities closer together. I would really hate to see the comments turned off. But I understand what you mean, I used to get tons of those same spam messages on my blog. But I have plugins installed that prevent 98% of the spam. I still get an occasional ad comment but I can tell that someone had to litterally go in and type in the info and not some bot. (or at least it appeared that way) Let me know if there is anything I can do for ya. 🙂

  3. I can help you and jestin to move the blog to another software if you want. Just let me know.

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