This weekend my sister came to Austin to visit me. We had so much fun! I took her to a Sweetish Hill Bakery to check things out (you know, for research purposes), and to Toy Joy, and to Threadgill’s for good Southern food, the coolest toy shop in town, and to the Alamo Draftouse to see Nacho Libre, and to Whole Foods for sweets. This is me, my sister, and my niece having fun at Toy Joy.
My niece, Kourtney, is staying with us for a few days, so I don’t know how much crafting or gourmet cooking I’ll be doing. Tonight we’re having spaghetti with Mom’s special marinara sauce, steamed broccoli, and baguette. Yummy, but nothing to write about. Though I just did. Time for spaghetti…Happy Monday, everyone!
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