Recent moments:
I sipped my coffee and he talked about perfection. I said that we were so alike – if we can’t do it perfectly, we don’t want to do it at all. I was surprised to hear myself telling him that perfection is overrated, and that at the end of our lives, we would regret not trying more than we would regret trying and failing. I hope he tries – I would be his first customer.
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We sat and talked about work and friends, pancakes and yoga, grocery shopping and clothes. It was so easy, so normal. It’s so comforting to be with her.
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He said, “Wait, I want Crystal to take a picture of the dessert before we cut into it.” I can’t explain why that felt so good.
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It sat in the mailbox, pink and promising, with a Korean return address. It was the brightest part of my day.
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We ate at the cutting board, spooning sauce onto each bite, laughing at how messy we were. Afterward all I could taste was garlic.
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I stared at the bumper in front of me, tired and frustrated, and realized that I would only have to do this one more time. It was easier then to look up at the sky.
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