He has beautiful eyes and gorgeous hair. He’s muscular, athletic, and inquisitive. He likes to snuggle at night, and he likes to just hang out with me in silence as I read or craft. I love my kitty cat.
On the other hand, he wakes me up at 6:00 a.m. every day, by scratching at the foot of the bed, swiping my glasses off my nightstand, or, when he’s really desperate, yelling at me. He likes to sit on top of whatever I’m reading, and loves to stand between me and the computer screen until he gets his fill of lovin’. He occasionally flips out after using his litterbox, jumping and running and pressing his ears back, as if using his litterbox was either the most foul or the most amazing thing he’s ever done.
A couple of days ago, he was lounging in the sun, stretching out, washing his underarm, and generally being cute. I snapped this photo as he flipped his head upside-down in the ultimate show of lounginess.
I was so happy to find Bdogg’s site, since she is also a cat lover, and currently has a post featuring her own orange kitty, Joey. Oops…time to stop typing, Roux’s standing in front of the screen again…
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