So things are trucking along here in Austin. We’re smack-dab in the middle of SXSW, so it’s a bit hectic downtown. Still, I mostly feel proud that this is my city – that tourists and visitors can come here and experience how wonderful my hometown is. I love this place.
Justin has been CRACKING ME UP lately.
We talked about the current style of men’s saggy jeans.
Him: I think my butt is out of style. (Definitely no.)
I mentioned how swoony it would be if a guy kissed my hand upon meeting me.
Him: I dunno. That’s kind of like hand rape.
- My beautiful friend Kate just introduced me to Jesse Woods. And just like that, I’m in love.
- I’m completely inspired by Ellen Silverman’s photos of Cuban kitchens.
- Words I’ve loved lately:
- I like the idea of no more FakeBook.
- Love letter perfection.
I hope you all have a lovely week.♥
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