Ugh, I’m having that weird “I don’t know what I want to blog” thing. I go through this every few months or years or whatever. I’ve been kind of updating my Tumblr page, mostly with Instagram photos and a few thoughts here and there. It just seems easier than logging in to WordPress and posting something new here. I still have that weird expectation that this space is for complete thoughts, pretty photos, videos, etc.
Basically, I just want to have a visual journal to look back on. Right now it’s spread out on Instagram and Tumblr and Goodreads and here. I have one Pinterest board where I keep track of movies I want to see and another for movies I’ve seen. I want them all in one place.
Of course there’s also Evernote, where I keep recipes and things, and my Keynote journal, where I drag images from the web. And my Moleskine, where I write down lists and ideas. Still, I WANT THEM ALL IN ONE PLACE.
I know I’ve blogged about this before. How blogging has changed, and how I can’t figure out how to fit this blog into my life, and how I’ve been blogging since before the light bulb was invented, and all that. And I still haven’t figured it out!
Anyway, here are some recent thoughts.
Justin launched a new website for East Side King. It’s super crazy and fun. He rocks.
I made deviled eggs for my friend Erin’s going away party. I only got to eat one, but I loved them! I got some advice from the chefs at F&D (and truth be told, my friend Brandon beautifully minced a shallot for me), and mixed the yolks with mustard, mayo, shallot, parsley, pickles, and a bit of ricotta. Oh, and a sprinkle of smoked paprika. So good.
I’ve been reading quite a bit. Recent favorites:
- Attachments: This was such a lovely, light, fun romantic comedy. I loved the characters and was happy with the ending, which never seems to happen these days.
- The Cassoulet Saved Our Marriage: A great selection of essays on food and family and how we learn our own food habits.
- Perfect: A very sweet random teenaged girl in the library recommended that I read this book,and so I did. It’s written in a fun poetic style, and each character’s struggle with perfectionism really hit home.
- The Sun Also Rises: Oh, Ernest Hemingway. I love how spare and yet detailed his writing is. I loved getting lost in Paris and Pamplona. I loved the bullfights and the human fights and the many bottles of booze.
And, as always, Roux and Little are not amused.♥
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