Look at how generous and lovely my loved ones are!
Shara and Rob bought me this cool book:
Fun, fun, fun! I’ve been wanting this book forever…I can’t wait to cut up Justin’s t-shirts. 🙂
Leti gave me this fabulous chocolatiere, an awesome ceramic pitcher with a frother inside specifically for making hot chocolate…and preferably with the delicious Mexican chocolate that Shara and Rob gave to me a while back. Lindsay and Chad found these gorgeous glass candle holders…I absolutely LOVE this color.
And lovely, lovely jewelry…
A turquoise necklace I bought for myself in Albuquerque, fabulous earrings from my friend Connie, and an amazing turquoise and red amber necklace that my mom bought me in Santa Fe.
I also got lots of emails and phone calls and cards…my supervisor at work even brought in mascarpone tarts, a beautiful tulip, and other goodies for me.
My sister and her family sent a gift card for Amazon.com, which I’m thinking of using on a couple of magazine subscriptions. (Gourmet? Saveur? Eating Well?)
And my mom sent some funds that I’m thinking of spending on chocolate. Yes, Mom, chocolate. Specifically, chocolate covered figs and this box of chocolate goodness.
Thank you, thank you, thank you everyone!
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