More stitching

I finished a couple more things this week…

This little blouse for Lindsay…I think it’s too cute! I used a pattern from one of my Japanese craft books, and made it teeny tiny for Linds. It actually wasn’t that hard to do…the hardest part was sizing it down.

I also (finally) finished this scarf that I started months ago…I wish it was cold outside so I could wear it! It’s super-soft and cozy, made of a fuzzy eyelash yarn I splurged on a while back.

Last night Lindsay and Chad joined us for dinner, and I went for an Asian-finger-food theme. I made lettuce wraps and edamame, and bought a variety of nori rolls at Whole Foods. It was yum.

I’m off to write my weekly post for Wardrobe Refashion…happy Thursday!

12 responses to “More stitching”

  1. I like the simple summer top. Where did you find this pattern?

  2. Hi Rita! The pattern came from a Japanese craft book (that I linked to in the post), which I bought from 🙂

  3. Wow the food looks delicious! So nicely arranged, too. And the top is just too cute!

  4. your one and only ~Kourt~:P

    well hello there silly! ooo all of that stuff looks so good and your doing awesome on your sewing or whatever it is! i am so proud of you! i cant wait till i go over! love ya lots! Your One & Only ~KoUrT~:P

  5. I LOVE the blouse…so cute + summery. And the dinner you served looks delicious!

  6. Those rolls look good! I just may have to give sushi another try!!! I especially like the lettuce wraps. I forgot about making those! I will have to try them this week! The blouse is too cute! You are doing great! See you next week! Love you!

  7. The blouse is adorable! I want one! And the dinner looks too yummy.

  8. This little blouse is a very attractive one.
    I like the creative useage of pattern and shape of this blouse. Well done !

  9. Thanks for all the kudos on the blouse, everyone! I’ve been considering making myself one, too.

  10. Thanks for pointing the japanese books out to me. Are they written in english, I don’t speak japanese, but the books look great, so I am very tempted too. Your blog is great, and you Father’s day entry made me cry, I don’t have my Father anymore.

  11. Rita, they are written in Japanese, unfortunately…I don’t understand a word of it, but the photos are lovely and you can actually figure out some of the patterns and diagrams. You can check out…she’s posted links to photos of many of the books as well as their ISBN numbers, which you’d use to find them through amazon japan or yesasia.

  12. Thank you for your help. I hope to find some books now on this website that you recommended. Yesasia is very difficult to navigate, I was not getting anywhere. I love your Blog, it is really very precious to me. I will
    visit everyday. Rita

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