Food on Film

I just developed a couple of rolls of film from my friend Bud’s Canon EOS Elan II (he was so nice to let me borrow it!). I’m in love! Food in itself is beautiful to me, but food on film? Heaven. The colors are so rich, the graininess so cool, the unpredictability so fun.

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11 responses to “Food on Film”

  1. Beautiful shots! I like film, too, but I’m really inexperienced in photography and am barely learning with a dSLR. I love how gorgeous the effect is. 🙂 (Your sushi looks yummy :D)


    1. Thank you! I only recently got a dSLR and I’m loving it… but I’ve also fallen hard for my film cameras. 🙂

  2. Gorgeous pictures!!
    I’d love to try out film again… one of these days : )

    1. Thank you so much! 🙂

  3. Such vibrant and lovely photos 🙂

    1. 🙂 And thank you for commenting! I’m loving your gorgeous photos as well.

  4. I am beginning to like taking photos in film now, in fact I am giving my dslr an indefinite holiday lol!

    just like you, I so like the colors and the grains that film photos gives me 🙂

    1. Thanks for your comment! I’ve been perusing your photos, too. I was thinking of only carrying around one camera for a month at a time… a Holga month, a polaroid month, etc. But I can’t seem to let my dSLR sit at home. 🙂

      1. I think my dslr’s holiday was up since I finished a roll today and I didn’t bring an extra 🙂

        Thanks for dropping by at my blog and wow! you got a lot of camera 🙂 I do have two polaroid too but I have no film yet 🙁

  5. Lovely! My goal this summer is to start using film again. There is such a differenf feel and scope to film. You’ve got me all excited. 🙂

    1. Ooh, let me know when you post your film photos! I’m so in love with the aesthetic.

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