He always looks kind of hoity-toity like this.
Hello, internets! I’m making it a little more girly around here with the pink. I like pink. 🙂
Today I am thankful for:
- Pink (the color, not the artist, though she’s cool too)
- Kitties
- The fact that the internet makes the world so much smaller, so that I can have friends in Shanghai and Japan and Italy and Mexico, and so that old friends can find me again
- My job
- Having a car so that I can trek all over Austin trying new foods
- Autumn and a harvest moon
- Tall, soy, no-whip mochas
- Having enough
- Justin’s hugs
- Bookstores
- Dark chocolate Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
- The anticipation I have for cooking again very soon
- Saveur magazine
- Crossword puzzles
- Memories
Happy Thursday, everyone!
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