Summer is:
- Tomatoes that actually taste like tomatoes
- Apriums, sweet and juicy
- Hot, hot, hot
- Worrying for months about not being tanned enough, but worrying even more about getting skin cancer, which means never getting tanned
- Popsicles made from strawberry lemonade
- Monday night at the movies (so far we’ve watched Up and Away We Go)
- Days at my friend’s pool
- Electric bills that are way too high
- Impatience with my 13-year old car’s inability to cool down fast enough
- Choosing parking in the shade over parking near the door
- Wearing a huge sweater at work because the air conditioning is so cold
- Dreaming about autumn (which will never come in Austin)
And I want to remember to:
- Drive our scooters to the sno-cone stand
- Hike the greenbelt and swim at Sculpture Falls
- Walk down to Cheap-o records to buy vinyl
- Take late-night strolls
- Take at least one dip in Barton Springs pool, even though it’s too cold
- Buy striped socks and tights for the fall
- Eat watermelon and cantaloupe and sweet corn and lots of tomatoes
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