Now it’s time to say goodnight…

I suppose we all knew this day would come. I’ve spent about two years writing in this blog, sharing recipes and crafts and thoughts, and it has brought me so much wealth…new friends, new ideas, and a creative outlet. Lately, though, I’ve felt guilty about neglecting this blog and its readers. I just can’t seem to find the time or energy to write in this space, for this purpose, on this blog. I think it’s become a food and craft blog of sorts, and at the moment, I am immersed in books, in my own thoughts, in life. I could most likely share those thoughts with you, and perhaps I will, in another space, away from this little cocoa world I’ve created.

So I’m not saying goodbye forever, but I am taking a blog break. I don’t know for how long, and I don’t know what will have changed when I return. But I am thankful for all of you who read this blog, those who comment and those who don’t. I am always amazed to look at the stats and realize how many people actually read this little story, and it makes me sad to lose you all (I fear you won’t come back after an extended blog break). But sometimes, you just gotta do what you gotta do, so…good night, dear internets…good night.

25 responses to “Now it’s time to say goodnight…”

  1. You’ll be missed! Have a restful break!

  2. Oh darn! i just stumbled onto your blog recently. I was looking forward to your posts. I guess I’ll go back in time and start from there. Enjoy your hiatus.

  3. I’ll miss you, and I have to know — will you keep the blog up for a while, or will you delete it? Just want to know how many of your wonderful recipes I’ll have to copy (I made the butternut squash and arugula pasta this weekend and it was fantastic!). Please take care, have a good break, and I hope you’ll come back one day with more delicious recipes and thoughtful tales.

  4. Thanks guys…the blog will still be here, recipes and all. 🙂

  5. I too decided I needed a break from the blogging world. I will miss reading about the things that keep you happy and busy! I, unlike a lot of your readers, am more fortunate though that I get to keep in touch with you since we are sisters. I know everyone will miss your writing and looks forward to…a new beginning!! Enjoy yourself and like the old saying goes “Live like there is no tomorrow!” I love you!

  6. …it’s been grand –

    see you.

  7. I’ll miss your blog. I’ll share my favorite saying with you. I have this hanging in my house. “Live well, laugh often, love much.”

  8. Oh Crystal, I’ll be one definitely missing your posts, but I can certainly understand the need to break. Enjoy your own time and stop by once in a while to say hello!

  9. Too bad! I, too, recently stumbed on your blog and have enjoyed your recipes a lot!

  10. i started checking in a couple months ago and i have found your blog fascinating, helpful, aesthetically pleasing….. and more. thanks for the recipes and the entertainment…good luck!

  11. it is no surprise that someone as clever and fun as you is too immersed in life to blog about it. that said, you will be missed, but hopefully your blog holiday will inspire some great new ideas to share when it suits you. the internets needs you, PC, but have a blessed new year filled with love, laughs, and learning!

  12. Sad… but I understand. My own blog isn’t doing so hot these days itself…..

    Just not enough hours in the day. Enjoy your blog break!
    Bonne chance!

  13. Oh no! I’m always here checkin’ to see what you two have been up to! I hope to see you posting again soon… take a little break and come back with vigor!

  14. Lindsay Rodgers

    I can accept this, I suppose, as long as you don’t mind me calling you every day instead 🙂

  15. I am sad and at the same time glad for you….Take a well-deserved break. Life is too short not to smell the roses. Love, Dad

  16. I can’t really put a finger on why your blog is one of the few that I check in on every day. I think it is because you seem like such a sweet person and I am curious to see how things are going in your life. I wish you well and hope that you find peace in everything you do. Take care.

  17. *sigh*
    I’ll really miss checking in with you regulary. Your blog has been a great source and an enjoyable read.
    Take care and enjoy your days…..and if/when you come back on the blogging scene, can you drop me an email? 🙂

  18. Elizabeth Bugay

    C, I have enjoyed p-c immensely and will miss checking in with you. Take care.

  19. I didn’t really like your blog anyway. I mean, who wants to read about recipes and crafts?

    I’m just kidding, Crystal!! Of course I love your blog; that’s why I have a link to it from my blog! I’m just glad it’s staying up because I want to make that banana French toast and all the other recipes!

  20. I will miss your blog. . . you enjoy your time off.
    Come back with all your ideas. We will be waiting

  21. awww, that’s too bad. check back every now and again. your recipes are great!!!! enjoy your blogging break.

  22. i understand. it was a good run, and sometimes a break is needed

  23. Yes, the blog was showing signs of an imminent break.

    It’s good to know you’ll still be out there somewhere doing fantastic foods and photography and bringing light to wherever you go. Take care.

  24. bummer. i only just found this blog a few months ago, and you not only inspired me to try a few recipes, but to start a 365 photo journal as well. thank you for sharing so much of yourself. however- time to one’s self is something we all need, and i think all of us understand. i do hope you come back around to this at some point, but good luck with whatever direction you take : )

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