Tomorrow we’ll be driving off into the sunset…literally. We’re heading West, to a little town in West Texas for my niece’s quinceanera. We’re renting a minivan (we’re so stylin’), and Justin, Leti, Lindsay, Chad, and I are driving 7 hours to visit my family and party, party, party.
We plan on having lunch in Fredericksburg, visiting a winery or two, and making various other stops along the way, so the 7-hour trip will probably end up being a 10-hour trip. I wonder if we’ll still like each other by the time we get there…
Highlights of the trip will include taking in the West Texas sunsets, dreaming under starry skies with no smog or city lights to obstruct our view, and attempting to feed a group of usually healthy mostly vegetarians on West Texas fried foods. Justin says that there’s supposed to be a meteor shower while we’re there, and Mars will be in a prime viewing position.
Our plans are to arrive late on Thursday, then Friday morning go bug my parents and beg for breakfast. Friday afternoon my parents are hosting a cookout for the many family members who will be arriving. Saturday is all about the party, and Sunday will be the drive home. Those are the plans, anyway…we’ll see what actually happens.
While we’re gone, our kitty, Roux, will be home alone, with unlimited amounts of food and water. This is not a good thing: Roux is on a diet, Science Diet Light, to be exact, precisely 3/4 cup per day, due to his, um, weight issues. The vet doesn’t want him to gain any more weight, since he’s borderline overweight. Poor kitty. Anyway, while we’re gone, we’ll have his food and water in one of those feeders that just keeps on pouring, so he won’t run out. The problem is that Roux, innocent and small as he seems, will eat and eat and eat. He will eat until he vomits. I am not looking forward to returning on Sunday to an obese cat and a house full of hidden vomit puddles.
Anyway, I may try to post from my parents’ house, but I’m not making any promises. When I get back, I plan on updating you all (because I know how curious you are about this quinceanera thing) with photos and anecdotes from our West Texas road trip. Until then, have a great weekend, eat some veggies for me, and send thoughts of love (and restraint) to my little kitty.
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