I hope everyone had a safe and fabulous New Year’s Eve! Ours was great, starting with a wonderful dinner at Uchi, then moving on to party after party to see friends. Aside from the occasional freezing-cold wait outside for an available taxi, it was a great night.
Today I’m relaxing at home, snuggled under my grandma’s quilt and thinking about the new year. I’m not really interested in looking back at this past year… I’m more excited about looking forward to the next. I am hoping that this year, I will stay connected with friends and family. I want to learn to speak French (as usual). I’d love to learn to play the violin. I’d like to travel somewhere new, and be debt-free. I want to cook and bake more, keep my house cute and cozy. I want to be more self-confident, making decisions because they are best for me, and not because I think others would approve. I’d like to continue to write… blogging, letters, journaling. I’d like to take lots of photos, and take evening walks with my love. I hope to visit New England in the fall again, and maybe a beach in the spring (see above hope to be debt-free… ha!). I want to be as in love (or more) with Justin a year from now as I am today.
Many of these hopes I’ve had for years, but the fact that they’re still on my list means to me that they are important, and are worth hoping for.
I have already been working on a few of them… I’ve started taking frequent photos with my iPhone and posting them here, as a way of journaling and remembering images from my day. I am trying to keep it imperfect… because my tendency to obsess over perfection is something I’d like to change. I have also been taking lots of photos with my new Holga camera, another study in imperfection for me. I know that the photos won’t turn out perfectly (or may not turn out at all – last night I took photos at Uchi with the lens cap on!), and I like that.
I’ve also been trying to keep poco-cocoa as my personal blog, writing about things that I want to write about, regardless of whether it will increase readers or please media folks. This past year has been great with all of the food blogger events, but I also became quite stressed out with this little blog, trying to keep up with events and local bloggers and what I thought others might expect to see here. Lately I’ve been just writing, just being me, and I enjoy it much more.
I have no idea what 2010 will bring. And I’m excited about that. 🙂
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