I saw someone on YouTube make a green pea-avocado toast, so I wanted to try it. It was good, but the peas made the whole thing pretty sweet.

I am lucky enough to have two bags of frozen, uncooked tamales from my mama. I steamed them up in the InstantPot, and they are AMAZING.

Not pictured: chips and salsa; a few Triscuits with cream cheese
I haven’t been able to get my favorite iced tea through Instacart or curbside pick-up, so I keep trying other options, and I keep not loving them. 🙁

We were craving this vermicelli with curried tofu that we had years ago at Triumph Cafe (RIP), so I tried to wing it and used a yellow curry sauce from Trader Joe’s. It was fine, but next time I’ll definitely make my own curry (and I won’t be buying that sauce again).
A Visitor from Africa
The Saharan dust cloud has arrived over ATX. The sky looks kind of eerie and brown, and it’s supposed to be even bigger tomorrow. It’s so strange to think that this dust (which I am probably breathing in right now) was recently swept from lands that are oceans away, that I may never see. It feels magical.
Just Do It
We are at 7,097 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Austin. I’m not surprised—people just will not stay home, will not wear masks, will not stay 6 feet apart. I keep saying, we may be SO done with the virus, but that does not mean the virus is done with us! Such is life. J and I will stay in our little bubble with our masks and grocery delivery and home cooking and kitty cat and YouTube and Netflix. 🙂
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