twinkle lights
Good Morning!
I wanted to write and tell you how much I enjoy your blog.
I found your blog though Boots in the Oven. When Logan Cooper enrolled at Apicius in Florence (culinary school)I was the person who helped him with the admissions. I started reading his blog while he was still in Italy. I also met him when he came to our office in California.
I had too laugh when I read your “Lets have a list, especially the part about the Momofuku book”. I have always wanted to go to the Momofuku Noodle House in NY. But also your comments about cats, pj’s…..I can relate!
Keep up the good work.
Marilyn, I’m so glad you stopped by! It’s so neat to hear of someone who met him in Italy! I’ll definitely tell him and Rachel that I heard from you. 🙂
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