Above: Awesome mural at La Condesa
Hola everybody! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I spent the weekend at home, taking care of Justin. He’s doing really well – he’s hobbling around nicely, and is off the heavy pain meds. I’m a little worried about leaving him alone all week – he can do most everything by himself, but I worry he’ll push himself too hard. I’m a doting nurse. 🙂
All weekend, friends and family texted to check in and see how Justin was doing. On Friday night, Rachel and Logan came over and brought gumbo and fried meat pies for dinner. We were so grateful – it’s so nice to have such caring friends! We all chatted and laughed and thought about things other than knee surgeries. Then on Saturday morning, our friend Bryan stopped by with breakfast tacos and well wishes. It feels so good to be so loved. 🙂
And now, songs in my head.
La Patére Rose – Décapote
First Aid Kit – Tiger Mountain Peasant Song (Fleet Foxes Cover)
Slaid Cleaves – Working Stiff
Hope you all have a wonderful week!
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