forced lovin’

In our household, we have a thing called Forced Lovin’. It started with our orange kitty, Roux. He’s very independent, and doesn’t often like to be held. I always wanted to hold him though, and pet him and love him and squeeze him… He’s kind of a big cat, and very strong, so it was often hard for me to pick him up and hold him without him wiggling his way free. So Justin would pick him up and hold him tight, and though he’d squirm, he couldn’t get away, and then I could come in for lots of kisses and lovin’. We refer to this as Group Hug, or, if he’s especially squirmy, Forced Lovin’. And we sometimes sing a song about it, to the tune of “My Buddy” (remember that jingle, for that really scary life-sized doll?)… Forced Lovin’, Forced Lovin’… Forced Lovin’ and meeeeee!

Anyway, I’ve decided on some Forced Lovin’ of my own. I signed up for Farmhouse Delivery again (they miraculously had one spot left for my delivery area this session), this time with a weekly commitment. I’ll be receiving a bin of local produce once a week, along with any other local goodies I order (cheeses, olive oil, meats, breads, etc.). So I’ll be forced to cook at home, and to cook with veggies and fruits. I’ll be forced to take care of my body and my little family by feeding us lovely, homemade, veggie-filled food. I’m giving us Food Forced Lovin’.

I also believe that we’ll be eating healthier food. But my definition of healthy has changed. As a dietitian, healthy food meant low in saturated and trans fats, less simple carbohydrates, more omega 3’s, etc. But I am so DONE with that. I’m so done with thinking of food as individual nutrients, as chemicals, as phytoestrogens and antioxidants. I’m just going to try to eat more Real Food.

That will probably include cream, and butter, and cheese. It will include bacon, and lamb, and eggs. And hopefully, a lot of it will be local, humanely raised, pasture-fed.

I miss cooking. We have been having some fabulous meals out on the town this year, from multi-course menus at Uchi to curry buns from a food trailer. And we will definitely still be dining out (tomorrow we’re having dinner with friends at G’raj Mahal!), but hopefully not as often. Hopefully I’ll be cooking more than just spaghetti, or sandwiches, or baked potatoes. Hopefully, we’ll be healthier and spend less money. Hopefully, I’ll get back in my little kitchen and fall right back into the swing of things. I’m sure I’ll still be baking goodies and snacking on the occasional Cheetoh, but I’ll be cooking a bit more.

I am the Queen of Forgotten Projects, but hopefully that weekly bin of lovely veggies, grown by nearby farmers, will help me stick with this one.  🙂

3 responses to “forced lovin’”

  1. Yay! Good for you guys! One thing that helps us is we make weekly meal plans and we post them on our blog. Telling everyone what we’re going to eat makes us feel like we have to cook instead of letting stuff go to waste.

    Also, you are in luck with the cream & butter part because there’s now raw milk back at the farmers’ markets! They’re called “Way Back When Dairy” and they used to be “Remember When Dairy” (if you ever bought from them before). And Full Quiver, who makes awesome cheeses, now sells at both farmers’ markets too!

    I am all about Real Food. Check out Sally Fallon’s “Nourishing Traditions” and for inspiration and good ideas!

    I’m so happy for you guys in your journey! It’s the same thing we’re trying to do. It’s hard sometimes and it’s really easy to slip, but it gets easier with time!


  2. Thanks, Nicole! I look to you guys for inspiration! I’m going to try posting my menu for the week, too. I’m so excited to hear about Way Back When Dairy! I know Central Market used to carry it when it was Remember When, but I wasn’t sure what happened to them after that. I’ve put Nourishing Traditions on hold at the library, too. We’re going to just try to go day by day, and not make too many harsh rules that we’ll just rebel against later. So we’re starting with a weekly produce bushel, and more dinners at home. 🙂

  3. Wow i wish i had known about Farmhouse Delivery before – they’re full now! I’ve been looking for something like that. Oh well, here’s to the waiting list. 🙂

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